What is Matthew 11:28-30 Saying?

What is Matthew 11:28-30 Saying?

Matthew 11:28-30; “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” If...

Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Five

Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Five

According to the explanations offered in this teaching so far, we’ve seen that the Apostles of Christ are the custodians of the gospel; the mysteries of God. In this teaching, I’ll be answering, more elaborately, the question: Can any other Preacher Receive Revelations for the Church? The answer is Yes and No. I hope I...

Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Four

Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Four

We have seen from the Scriptures that the message of the Apostles is the revelation for the church age, and that no one is to be regarded as a preacher of the gospel if they disregard Apostolic doctrine. We’ve also seen how that the ‘foundational’ Apostles (the twelve), are in a class of their own...

Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Three

Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Three

In the previous teaching, we began to examine the role of the Spirit in giving revelation to believers, and we saw from Scriptures that the Holy Spirit has chosen certain men to be the custodians of the revelation of Christ. Some scholars have classed them as the ‘Foundational Apostles’, and that includes all the eleven...

Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Two

Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part Two

In the previous teaching, we saw how the mind is the place for illumination hence we cannot ignore diligence in receiving the word for a spooky adventure of getting insights ‘by the Spirit’. But then, here comes a sincere and honest seeker of truth, asking the question: ‘If all we need to do is to...

5 Hindrances to the Effectiveness of God’s Word

5 Hindrances to the Effectiveness of God’s Word

There are things that militate against your growth as a believer in Christ; things you must deal with else they’d deal a fatal blow on your walk in Christ. It’s God’s will that we make progress in the faith, but you cannot run as you ought without freeing yourself from the following things. False Teachings...

Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part One

Receiving Revelation from the Word – Part One

‘I got it in my spirit!’ That’s a popular phrase that many use to express how they received revelation from God’s word. Perhaps, the most abused word in the Body of Christ today is the word, ‘revelation’. Several people advocate a spooky, mystical, and esoteric approach to understanding the word of God and this is...